Are refereeing decisions and VAR making football fans fall out of love with the sport?

Zubin Daver
Mar 5, 2022


Refereeing decisions have been dismal throughout the Premier League season. Here is a piece that has 5 legit options that the FA could look at utilising in the league and their associated domestic competitions. Do have a read and let me know your thoughts about whether or not, you believe that any of these five solutions could be implemented to help improve referring decisions!

-Referees to give post-match interviews

-Referees hooked onto microphones

-Referees from different nationalities

-Ex-Players on VAR panel

-On-field and VAR officials should be one team for the entire season

Link: GUEST: Are refereeing decisions and VAR making football fans fall out of love with the sport?



Zubin Daver

Football fan, LFC blogger, writer & contributor. Features on 20+ websites. Part of LFC Mumbai supporters club. Twitter: